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Current announcements:

Church Calendar & Announcements on Website The official church calendar and most up-to-date announcements are now available as tabs on the top of the church website. Have an announcement? Let Brother Will Jackson know.

Get texts about important SHBC info! The church is now able to send important messages via text, not just email! If you would like to sign up to receive text messages from the church, we are legally required for you to “opt-in” via this quick form. You can opt-out by using the same form. You will NOT receive texts from the church until you complete the form or call the church office to specifically request to be added to our new text list. Thank you for your understanding. We will keep texts to important information and a weekly link to this page on our website once the announcements have been updated.

Baptisms This Sunday! Join us as we celebrate the baptism of our new brothers and sisters in Christ during our 11AM service on April 7!

Revival April 7-10 Join us as Dr. Regianld Calvert of New Jerusalem Missionary Baptist Church preaches at 6PM on Sunday and Dr. Mark Devine of Smoke Rise Baptist Church and Beeson Divinity School preaches Monday-Wednesday at 6:30PM. Please pray for our church, for the community, and that lives be transformed by the Gospel!

Fellowship Lunch for Bro. Jesse To celebrate his graduation, we will have a churchwide lunch on April 28. Details coming soon. Note the time correction! There will be no evening service that day.
Bro. Jesse Preaching at Samford Join us for as Bro. Jesse preaches at Hodge Chapel of Beeson Divinity School on April 16 at 11AM. A bus will depart from the church at 10AM.

PrimeTimers Pancake Breakfast Join us on Wednesday, May 1 at 8AM for pancakes and a time of prayer led by the pastoral staff. Invite your friends 55+! There will be a sign up sheet in the lobby soon to help us prepare the right amount of food.

WMU Clothing Drive Please donate new or gently used clothing through June in the church lobby. We will giveaway on July 20th.
Sign up for Wed. Night Meals! Don’t forget to sign-up each Sunday. Menus are posted in the lobby.
Ladies’ Mentoring Group Brunch We will meet on April 20 at 8:30AM at Sheila William’s home. Sign up sheet on the lobby bulletin board including her address. See Sheila for details.
Moms’ Night Out: Trivia Night Sign up in the lobby for a fun game and trivia night on April 26th at 6PM. Bring a dessert or appetizer. See Candice Trusty if you would like to help with childcare.
Baby Tea for Jess Powell Join us for a Baby Tea in honor of Miss Eliana Joan Powell on Sunday, May 5 2-4PM in the Fellowship Hall. They are registered at babylist.com.

Men’s Advance Summit Save the date: September 12-14! We invite brothers to join us at Joe Wheeler State Park for a time of renewal and relaxation. Registration opens May 5. Cost will be $100.

Yes to VBS Breaker Rock Beach Sign up to volunteer for VBS (June 17-21 6-8:30PM). Don‘t forget to donate by grabbing a life preserver from the lobby bulletin board.
A Call to 2 Chronicles 7:14 Prayer Join us Wednesday mornings at 8AM in the Sanctuary for Midweek 714 Prayer. Each week we will focus on a specific area of the church to pray over & submit to God. Even if you cannot join, a weekly Prayer Focus can be found in the bulletin. Prayer starts with you.
THIS WEEK’s PRAYER FOCUS: Pray for revival! Pray for those that have never received the Gospel and those that need to surrender areas of their life over to Jesus as both Lord and Savior.
Prayer Request Box There is a prayer request box in the lobby by the bulletin board.
Check out the bulletin board by Bro. Jesse’s office for this month’s serve team schedules (Planted Preschool, Children’s Church, Security, Medical, Greeters, etc.). It will not be printed in bulletins beginning April 14. NOTE: There are also special revival schedules. See your team leader for more information.
Don’t Forget the Watering Hole! Different adult Sunday school classes bring pot-luck breakfast to help fuel us for 9:45AM study in the Bible. Make sure you don’t forget (but don’t worry you can still eat … there is always plenty!)
April 7: Waters/Bennett & College & Career
April 14: Won by One
April 21: Properties & Prayer Warriors
April 28: Come & See, Soul Sisters, & Whosoevers
Deacon of the Week (March 31): Sam Trusty
Deacon of the Week (April 7): Adam Waters
Deacon of the Week (April 14): James Williams
Deacon of the Week (April 21): Bill Williamson
Deacon of the Week (April 28): Anthony Andrews