It’s almost Christmas and that means it’s time to share the Love of Jesus in a very special way. It’s Operation Christmas Child Time! This year shoeboxes will be in the church lobby beginning October 21 and should be returned by November 3. Please see Alease Cummings with any questions.
Want to know what is okay to pack in your shoebox? Check out this handy information put together by Samaritan’s Purse.
Need ideas about what to pack? We have you covered!
Have you ever wondered what happens after you fill a shoebox? Check out this cool information from our ministry partner, Samaritan’s Purse. 
Did you know that you can help cover the cost of shipping your Shoebox for $10? Watch this quick video to learn more.
What is this whole Shoebox thing really about? I mean does it even have an impact? We at SHBC Mission Journey Kids say YES!!!