The Interim Pastor Search Committee is underway.
To make sure you don’t miss the latest updates, be sure to register your email or text-enabled phone number here. When important updates happen, you will receive an email or text message (or both). You can also call the church office to be added to either distribution list. The committee will present an update during the March 23 AM Service announcements and subsequent email and text message for those that missed the service.
The Lead Pastor Search Committee will begin soon.
Per the Bylaws, the deacons are preparing a slate of (1) Deacon, (1) member of the Personnel Committee, and (5) general church members to serve as a Search Committee for our next lead pastor. Be in prayer for them as they pray through who should serve. A list of names will be presented to the church to vote on after announcement at 3 consecutive services. Each individual must receive 75% or greater votes. Once the deacons are prepared to present those names, we will also inform the church on this page and via email and text message.
Are you a candidate interested in applying for the Lead Pastor position? More information about our search process and who to contact will be available at a later date. For now, you may submit any resumes, references, and supporting materials to our Financial Secretary at