May 2024

Here We Go Again!, Genesis 20

In Genesis 20 we see Abraham falling into the exact same sin he did decades before, but we also see how our predictable failures are always matched by God’s predictable faithfulness.

March 2024

The Covenant Family part 2, 1 John 3:2-3

Genesis 17 records the story of God renewing his covenant promises to Abraham with the sign of circumcision. The text shows us what it means to be a people who live by faith - defined by our future and not our failures.

February 2024

The Covenant Family Part 1, Genesis 15

One of the key themes of scripture is God’s covenants with his people. One of the key stories in the BIble is God’s covenant with Abraham in Genesis 15. In this sermon, we learn what it means for the Bible and for us for God to be a covenant making and covenant keeping God!

Family Feud, James 4:2-3

In the sermon, we analyze our family conflicts in the light of the conflict between Abram and Lot as we learn to trust God’s promises and take the high road of faith.

January 2024

Everything Goes South

As we continue our journey with Abraham’s family we see things take a turn for the south as Abraham makes a poor decision and descends into selfishness.

God Forms A Family, Genesis 9:1

As we begin a new Sunday night series studying the family of Abraham we see that even the most dysfunctional families must commit to obedience and worship because they are held together by the promises of God.