March 2014

This Do In Remembrance of Me

Scripture Reference: Matthew 26:26


Scripture Reference: Luke 5:27-32

Comprehending Light

Scripture Reference: Matthew 5:14-16

Three Crosses on Calvary’s Hill

Scripture Reference: Matthew 5:14-16

What’s Going on in Guatemala?

Scripture Reference: Acts 11:19-23

February 2014

Making Up is Hard to Do

Scripture Reference:  Genesis 33  Are you holding a grudge against someone? Find out from the word of God how your pride and arrogance may not be hurting just your relationships with people, but also not allowing God to work through you.

January 2014

A Horrible Anniversary

Scripture Reference: Proverbs 6:16-19

Going On is Better than Giving Up

Scripture Reference: 2 Timothy 2:11-13

Putting a D.V. on Your Datebook

Scripture Reference: James 4:13-16

December 2013

Why We Give to Missions

  Scripture Reference: Psalm 67